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To have 50,000 donors by May 6, 2024

Become the first supporter

Your donation matters

Our Mission

Our mission: Empower every voice and build a future where everyone thrives.

We value community, support, and unity. Grassroots support and community involvement drive our mission.

Join us to make a difference!

Why donate?

Your donation is vital to our campaign's success. Here's why:

- Donations fund our outreach efforts, organize events, and spread our message.

- Your contribution helps challenge the status quo, amplify unheard voices, and create real change in [State].

- Every donation helps us reach more voters, build momentum, and drive our movement forward.

Together, we can make a difference!

Campaign Initiatives

Our campaign is fueled by innovative ideas and unconventional strategies aimed at creating real change. Here's what we're focusing on:

- Community Engagement Programs: We're launching initiatives to bring communities together, foster dialogue, and address local concerns.
- Policy Proposals: We're developing bold policy proposals that tackle pressing issues like healthcare, education, and economic inequality.
- Grassroots Organizing Efforts: We're mobilizing volunteers and activists to drive our campaign forward, door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and organizing local events.

Join us in shaping the future of Washington State!


The impact of your contribution goes beyond financial support. It signifies a belief in our shared vision for a more equitable and thriving community. Your support signifies collaboration and unity in the pursuit of positive change, and it serves as a testament to the power of collective action in shaping a brighter future for all. Together, we can bring about meaningful progress, creating a government that truly represents and uplifts every voice.


About EL'ona Kearney

EL'ona Kearney has a diverse background. She proudly served in the Army, is the wife of a union worker, and has thrived as an entrepreneur. Holding a bachelor’s degree in business from Evergreen State College, her enriched experiences include lobbying efforts, educating youth on legislation processes, and interning for a state representative. With roles such as JV Commander of a VFW, she has honed skills in security defense, diplomacy, civic duty, and advocacy for critical issues. These experiences, combined with her upbringing in a disadvantaged community, have equipped her with a deep understanding of government operations and the legislative process.

Give $20.24 and be a founding donor

Your donation is the start of EL'ona's journey to success. Your early support inspires others to donate.

         All donations are subject to rules. Please fill out all information required, as we are required to report this information. 

The maximum donations allowed is 4,800 per person and business. 

Anyone living outside the United States, Nonprofits and corporations are not allowed to donate.

Thank you for your help in making sure we stay in compliance with rules and regulations.

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