I'm not running for governor. WE are!

EL'ona Kearney, a woman who embodies the qualities of a leader. She was a single mother, veteran, now wife of a union worker and a forgiveness coach. She graduated from Evergreen State College with a bachelor’s degree in business.
Growing up as the oldest of five siblings to a Christian non-denominational pastor and a Jewish father, EL'ona learned the value of advocacy and compassion early on. Her journey began in high school, where she broke barriers by spearheading unity events and demonstrating exceptional leadership as the school spirit club president.
With a background in Military Intelligence as a computer analyst, EL'ona gained invaluable insights into national security, defense policy, and veterans' affairs, shaping her commitment to serving those who have served. As a single mother and homeschooling parent, she self published books and founded a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating youth about the legislative process, showcasing her dedication to civic engagement and education.
Throughout her career, EL'ona has continued to make an impact as she advocated through lobbying for college funding, presenting bill proposals, and speaking before Senate on critical issues. Her leadership roles in veterans' organizations and student government underscore her ability to mobilize diverse groups toward common goals, while her entrepreneurial ventures highlight her commitment to promote forgiveness and unity.
EL’ona has a deep understanding of the legislative process, government operations, and advocacy for important issues. Her diverse background, growing up in and now a homeowner in a historically disadvantaged community, and experiences uniquely qualify her to lead Washington State. She brings a wealth of knowledge, skills, and perspectives to address the complex challenges facing our state and its residents.
EL'ona is stepping up to run for Washington State Lieutenant Governor in 2024, driven not by party affiliation, but by a genuine concern for the wellbeing of her state. With her diverse experiences, unwavering dedication, and vision for unity, EL'ona Kearney has the potential to be a transformative leader who prioritizes the needs of all Washingtonians, going beyond political divisions for the greater good.

Citrus High School Black and Gold Club president. Founded event “Breaking the Barriers of Racism”
Joined the US Army
Served in Military Intelligence as a computer analyst
Assisted in writing company policies
Coined life motto to “Be a Promotion of forgiveness, Not the Emotion of a traumatic past”
Founded Citrus County Community Alliance with the help of Florida State Representative Jimmie T Smith. Taught youth how to write legislative bills, brainstorm solutions, and present issues
Radio Cohost KLAY 1180 "The Military Report" along with retired veterans Sgt Rick Tillman and CSM Lenny Augustine. A top-rated and one of the longest-running radio shows on AM radio
February held the first diverse black history program at RTC
Assisted my college president to lobby on behalf of the college in Olympia
Vice President of VFW Post 1263 until 2022
Attended Renton Technical College Business AA program
President of the Multicultural club and Veterans Club. Served on student leadership, student senate, and College Council
Won the 2021 Student Veteran Fellowship top 5 for writing and presenting a policy before Congress in March 2021. That policy (Veteran Student Childcare Initiative) is now being worked into a bill by the House
Ran for Seatac City Council
Signed up to run for Washington State Governor
Graduated from the Evergreen State College BA Business program
Speaker on SB 5000 American Chinese History Month
Passing of SB5000